Yes Campaign
Yes Campaign
Yes Campaign

Alongside many at Re, I volunteered and participated in the Create Yes campaign, calling for creatives to join hands and help spread a message of support for the Yes vote. View the reel Re created here


This was my submission - and it was important to me to make it as personal as possible. And there isn't anything more personal than family videos. So this one is from 1994: Footage of me and my family, newly immigrated from Colombia, dancing to Yothu Yindi’s Treaty at the Scienceworks Special Effects exhibit. It’s distorted, warped, and blurred, much like what we saw in the national debate focusing on The Voice. But we can all do better. What we all need to remember is that we have to listen in order to grow, we have to learn in order to change, and most importantly, we have to give back to those who have lost. Voice. Treaty. Truth.